Preparing 1099s: Do you have your W9s?

Preparing 1099s: Do you have your W9s?

When it comes to filing for taxes, there are many forms to fill out and keep record of. If you are a small business owner, two forms that you may be familiar with are 1099 and W9. Both of these forms are tax forms for independent contractors, but what is the...
Valor Partners Named Top 10 Women-Owned Business

Valor Partners Named Top 10 Women-Owned Business

MISHAWAKA, IN, November 19, 2020 – Valor Partners founder and CEO, Justine Webb, was awarded with the Top 10 Women Owned Businesses in Indiana achievement sponsored by C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative and Womenspreneurs Breaking...
14 End of Year Business Deductions

14 End of Year Business Deductions

With the end of the year approaching, it means it’s time to start preparing your year-end taxes. As a business owner, you may be overwhelmed by all the paperwork and planning that goes into tax preparation. While it may seem daunting, now is the perfect time to...
Bookkeeper vs Accountant: Who do I Need?

Bookkeeper vs Accountant: Who do I Need?

When most people hear the terms “bookkeeping” and “accounting,” they’re likely to use the two interchangeably. And, to an extent, this makes sense. After all, bookkeepers and accountants have similar goals: often, they will both support...
What is an Investment Accountant?

What is an Investment Accountant?

Accounting is a broad field with many specialties, each trained to handle investments in the most effective ways to meet their clients’ needs. The tricky part for clients is knowing exactly which type of accountant they need to perform which tasks....
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship

When you decide to start a business, you’ve entered an exciting, yet intimidating world. There is no shortage of processes and responsibilities you suddenly have. Sorting through paperwork and the various forms just to get your business legally set up can be...
There are Different Types of Accounting!

There are Different Types of Accounting!

Accounting really is just accounting, right? It’s just keeping the books and making sure the money that comes in is greater than the money going out. Keep the ledger in the black and the job’s done. Well, not quite. Accounting as a field is full of variety...
Why Work with a Dave Ramsey Solutions ELP?

Why Work with a Dave Ramsey Solutions ELP?

If you’ve been involved in the world of finance, wealth management, and living a debt-free life, or even if you just know someone who is, there’s really no doubting you’ve heard the name “Dave Ramsey” before—the more suitable...
Everything You Need to Know About Form 1120S

Everything You Need to Know About Form 1120S

There is no shortage of government forms business owners need to be familiar with in order to remain compliant with federal taxation and business regulations. With few exceptions, corporations in the United States must file Form 1120: US Corporation Income Tax Return...
Is Forming an LLC the Same as Incorporating?

Is Forming an LLC the Same as Incorporating?

When it comes to establishing your business, a crucial part of the process is deciding exactly what kind of business you’re starting. There is a list of different types of businesses that all share an expansive Venn diagram of similarities and differences....